Swimming Pool Filter Pea Gravel
Pea Gravel is more common in commercial pool and spa filters due to the higher bather load & greater requirement for performance from the filter media. Ideally there should be no more than a 1″ layer pf pea gravel over your lateral system. The specific reasons for the installation of pea gravel is:
Gravel helps support the laterals from the weight of the sand
Gravel will filter out the sand from the water before reaching the lateral system
Gravel will help eliminate anaerobic bacteria from forming underneath the lateral system
Gravel provides more open area for a smoother flow of water after it has passed through the sand.
The pea gravel comes in 25kg bags which are triple packed to ensure they get to you in perfect condition.
The prices have been calculated on a sliding scale, so the more you buy the cheaper the carriage gets, hence the savings.
To remove the sand from your filter, we recommend you hire a wet & dry vac from your local hire shop.
A sand change will generally take between 1 – 3 hours depending on the condition of your old sand, and the ease of access around the sand filter.
We would always recommend you carefully inspect the laterals at the bottom of the tank to ensure there is no damage. Replacements can be bought from our spares pages.
Always fill the tank around a 1/4 full with water before you refill with fresh sand. This will cushion any impact on the laterals and help prevent damaging the frail plastic. Obviously if your filter is more than 10 years old or you have high chemical/heat levels in your pool water, this can pre-age the internals, and cause failure.
Once you have filled the tank with the correct media charge, replace the lid & give the filter a very long backwash as the sand will need to be washed. Once you have carried out the backwash, ensure you do a rinse for around 45 seconds, this will help to remove the final natural debris in the sand. Finally set the multiport to filter, and enjoy clean sparkling water.
Please ensure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for media change and filter servicing, as not all filters are the same.
And Yes you will be charged the extra carriage if your order is below our minimum order value, sorry!