Swimming Pool Flow Fitting Spares

Pool Skimmers and other spares

Inlets, sumps, and skimmers are all important parts of a swimming pool filtration system that help to circulate water and remove debris from the pool. As essential parts of your pool’s system, it’s important to have spares when things break, leak or stop working.

UK Pool Store stock spare skimmers for a range of makes and models such as Astral, Certikin and Cofies. When choosing any spare parts, it’s important to make sure they’re compatible with the specific pool model you have.

If you’re looking to replace other spare parts from your pool filtration system, the main parts to replace are:

  • Inlets – Inlets are placed around the perimeter of the pool and let water flow back into the pool. They are usually made of plastic or metal and are often fitted with a grill to stop large objects from entering the pool.
  • Sumps – Sumps sit at the bottom of the pool and collect water that has drained from it. They’re typically fitted with a pump that returns the water to the pool.
  • Skimmers – Skimmers are at the surface of the pool and collect debris that floats on the water. They usually have a basket that catches the debris and a valve that lets the water flow back into the pool.

Tips for maintaining your pool filtration system

Having to replace parts of your pool filtration is inevitable, particularly if you use it regularly so keeping it maintained and clean can help lengthen its lifespan.

Simple things like cleaning the baskets in the inlets and skimmers regularly to remove any debris will help keep the pool clean and prevent clogs. Keep on top of potential leaks around the valves in the skimmer and inlets by checking them regularly. It helps keep costs down as leaks spotted early enough can be repaired without more parts being replaced.

Pool Skimmers and other spares

Inlets, sumps, and skimmers are all important parts of a swimming pool filtration system that help to circulate water and remove debris from the pool. As essential parts of your pool’s system, it’s important to have spares when things break, leak or stop working.

UK Pool Store stock spare skimmers for a range of makes and models such as Astral, Certikin and Cofies. When choosing any spare parts, it’s important to make sure they’re compatible with the specific pool model you have.

If you’re looking to replace other spare parts from your pool filtration system, the main parts to replace are:

  • Inlets – Inlets are placed around the perimeter of the pool and let water flow back into the pool. They are usually made of plastic or metal and are often fitted with a grill to stop large objects from entering the pool.
  • Sumps – Sumps sit at the bottom of the pool and collect water that has drained from it. They’re typically fitted with a pump that returns the water to the pool.
  • Skimmers – Skimmers are at the surface of the pool and collect debris that floats on the water. They usually have a basket that catches the debris and a valve that lets the water flow back into the pool.

Tips for maintaining your pool filtration system

Having to replace parts of your pool filtration is inevitable, particularly if you use it regularly so keeping it maintained and clean can help lengthen its lifespan.

Simple things like cleaning the baskets in the inlets and skimmers regularly to remove any debris will help keep the pool clean and prevent clogs. Keep on top of potential leaks around the valves in the skimmer and inlets by checking them regularly. It helps keep costs down as leaks spotted early enough can be repaired without more parts being replaced.